Sunday, July 12, 2015

Workout Two: 30-minute Circuit on my own

Not my own picture. Found this on the web. But it's the 30-minute thing at
a Planet Fitness. Which I love. 
We went to the gym yesterday morning and it was awesome. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical machine (next to Patrick) to warm up and get my heart-rate up a bit. Then I went and did the 30-minute circuit workout. I was a little nervous to do it by myself without the guidance of the trainer, but it went really well. 

I was pleasantly surprised that even on my upper-body and arms I didn't have to set the machine for the lowest possible weight. I was working under the No Muscles Above The Waist theory and was adjusting the weights accordingly. But every time I had to adjust them up a notch after a test lift. That was way cool!! 

I need to do a bit of research (and Patrick and I went to the library and got some books on strength training) to see if it's a bad thing or a good thing that I'm not hurting particularly at all today. Does that mean I'm not pushing myself hard enough? Would being sore mean I'm pushing too much? I just don't know. 

Just like last week, I felt energized and really excited about it all day long -- that felt like a great workout and I felt wonderful. So that's got to be a good sign. But maybe it would be a better workout if I pushed a little hard. Research, ho!! 

Planet Fitness also has a 12-minute Ab Circuit that I want to explore. The 30 minute workout only has one ab machine and I can tell that I'm not getting tons out of it. It might work well to do the 30 minute circuit except instead of the ab machine in it, jump over to the ab circuit and do that instead. So the whole workout would be a little less than 45 minutes. We looked at the machines in the Ab Circuit last night and some of them are pretty intimidating. I think I want to do a class on that with the trainer so I can figure the machines out. I think she may have one on Wednesday and if so I'll be taking it. 

Next workout/run is scheduled for Monday. I'll most likely be running. Goal: Awesomeness and feeling great! 

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